The problem of evil is certainly the greatest obstacle to belief in the existence of God. The problem of evil is a philosophy that points this out, and refutes the western idea of God. Describe the Problem of Evil. The problem simply stems from basic beliefs or assumptions pertaining to the attributes of God: God is perfectly good, omniscient, and omnipotent. [2] I believe that it is a valid argument to renounce some views that traditional theism sets forward. According to Smith, the large amount of gratuitous evil is less probable given theism than it is given some alternative hypothesis to theism, such as the hypothesis that the universe was created by a malevolent supernatural being. comprehension - Students should be able to articulate the nature of the problem of evil for theists. The problem of evil may be described as the problem of reconciling belief in God with the existence of evil. In section 1.1, an incompatibility formulation of a very abstract sort was set out, which appealed to the mere fact that the world contains at least some evil. In general, theodicy addresses the "problem of evil" and an attempted theory of reconciliation is sometimes called theodicy. Problem of evil. How is the argument from evil best formulated? When I ponder both the extent and depth of suffering in the world, whether due to man’s inhumanity to man or to natural disasters, then I must confess that I find it hard to believe that God exists. The problem of evil is usually seen as the problem of how the existence of God can be reconciled with the existence of evil in the world. 1. It may, for example, be expressed either as an experiential problem or as a theoretical problem. [2] [12] [14] [note 1] The problem may be described either experientially or theoretically. The problem of evil is an issue that is entirely too overlooked and dismissed by most Christians. ; Evaluation - Students should work towards evaluating the problem of evil to see if there is a solution or what its implications might be. Simply stated: if God is all good and all powerful, how can He allow evil and suffering to exist in the world? An all powerful being could prevent all evil it knows about 4. The problem of evil is one of the most famous and enduring problems in the philosophy of religion. This problem makes the existence of a traditional God extremely unlikely, and it makes a belief in one, irrational at best. The following essay describes the problem of evil in relation to God, examines Christian responses to the problem, and concludes the existence of God and the existence of evil are fully compatible. The existence of evil The Anthropic Coincidences, Evil and the Disconfirmation of Theism (1995) by Quentin Smith. The problem of evil, sometimes described with the term theodicy, is an aspect of theology concerned with how to reconcile the existence of a good God with the existence of evil in the world. The problem of evil refers to the challenge of reconciling belief in an omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent God, with the existence of evil and suffering in the world. Body “The problem of evil is often divided between the logical and evidential problems.” At the heart God is all powerful, all knowing, and all-good 2. But the problem of evil, like evil itself, has many faces. God is described by many as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, but in this post I will only address the words omnipotent and omnibenevolent to be succinct. Learning Objectives. An all-good being would want to prevent all evil it knows about 3. ; Reflection - Students should examine the offered solutions and discuss and reflect on their relative merit. c. Versions of the Problem of Evil. As an incompatibility argument, or as an evidential argument? An all knowing being would know of all evil 5.
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the problem of evil is best described as the 2021