You hate not being able to take the time that you need to make sure your patient is educated and cared for in the best way. Most MD offices except for plastic surgeries don't hire RN's where I am. Mommie dearest said I would not go away to college, I would go to a local college and become a nurse. Andrew Cuomo, calling the COVID-19 nursing home death reporting "cover-up" scandal "one of the worst things I have seen in state government." I’ve heard this phrase countless times throughout my 17-year emergency career, and it’s a dangerous phrase. In 2015, the turnover rate for hospitals was 17.2%, which is up from 13.5% in 2011, according to a report by NSI Nursing Solutions. Most days I feel like a pill-pusher. Well i like the lecture part but not the clinical part. We feel that once in a while we make a differance but that is so rare these days. Blog Stats. We give, give, give, and then give some more without acknowledgment from management and then when something goes wrong we hear how inadequate we are and how someone needs to be held accountable....and of course there is never any mention of the welfare of the patient in the matter, only the problem it poses on the hospital. The result is the industry losing seasoned nurses that have a lot of knowledge and experience to contribute. How Wellness Trends Might Reshape Healthcare as We Know It. We may make a little bit less than a hospital nurse, but trust me-it's totally worth it! I work in medical ICU. I felt like this for years. Please read the comment policy. Specializes in Mental health, substance abuse, geriatrics, PCU. Because I was so “resilient” for so long, I never recognized my PTS for the monster it is. All I can say is RN1023 I feel for you, am with you- I think this every single day, and wonder how I can get out of it, but the options are so limited where I am. Laura T.'s Comment. Now 4 years out of nursing school, I HATE nursing with a passion. Actually, I love it. “My patients will hate me! I have to comply (see #3). I eventually grew weary of wearing that ego mask simply for the sake up upholding some unspoken credo that ER nurses must be tough. Unfortunately, this modern-day stoicism can get mislabeled or misidentified as resilience and goes ignored because it looks like what employers want resilience to look like — sometimes to the point that we begin to neglect self-care, let alone meaningful care of others. Because here’s the thing… allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site. I do not want to be at the bedside caring for patients.… But very rarely do they ever have openings. You'll find an avenue, it's fine How can nurses get hospitals and long term care facilities to make 8hr shifts available to those who desire short days? After a grueling shift at the hospital, clinic, doctors office, nursing home or ambulatory surgery center, the Nurse is tired and beat. Also credited to nursing are chronic back pain, countless days of tears, wasted zombie days recovering from night shifts, PTS, numbed emotions, unhealthy coping mechanisms and a jaded attitude about health care that I’m working my way out of. Nursing is our job. Nobody really tells you how hard nursing school is. If you are a nursing students or almost one, sometime during your nursing school career you will feel like you hate nursing school. Conversely, a really great manager can make even the toughest environment a very satisfying place to work. Good lawd. I'm a nurse, I've not been a nurse for a year yet and I really enjoyed the job at the start but recently I've started hating it. Search thousands of physician, PA, NP, and CRNA jobs now. Most people will tell you to "go for it, you got this, hang in there, you can do it!" Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. The profession left me without acknowledgment of work-related stress, specifically post-traumatic stress (PTS). From stupid co-workers to demanding patients, there is a slew of personalities you have to deal with as a nurse. Nursing careers that do not involve bedside care, such as a School Nurse or Public Health Nurse, make up a big chunk of the medical field. I wanted to help people. I don't know what to do... if i should stay or leave!? It’s just part of the job. Why I Hate Nursing #16 16? Posted by I think I have consumed almost every “what is my passion” book and program that exists. Featured February 28, 2020 Nursing School is Hard. I never liked patient care at all. But honestly this could be called "101 Reasons Not to Get Any Job", most of the reasons the author seemed to hate nursing were experiences everyone has to deal with when they work with others. | June 5, 2018. Now, before you think I’m just a spiteful and grizzled nurse who revels in others misery, let me tell you that I wanted to put my hand on her shoulder and tell her it would be alright. OR? Worse, the doctors will hate me!” And as I walked behind them sipping my coffee, I smiled. Stoicism is not resilience. Follow. Some work days, evening and nights two, three or more shifts in … I also hate nursing in a hospital that says a nurse is a nurse is a nurse. I guess we just have to keep trying and looking for other options.. There are plenty of different sources for stress that a nurse might encounter: long working hours, staffing issues, physical labor, and patient care stress. Just a little rant to blow off some steam. Nursing is one of those love/hate situations for some of us. I was recently written up and will probably get another one tomorrow due to lack of support that I am supposed to have that leaves me liable. Specializes in around 25 years psych, 10 years medical. originally i have a bachelors in computers. We sometimes call medical Green. Why I hate nursing. If you are a nursing students or almost one, sometime during your nursing school career you will feel like you hate nursing school. Because of this phrase, I have witnessed the damaging effects of not helping nurses through their worst times because the expectation has been set that there’s no getting away from it; it just needs to be dealt with. I hate nursing and want to be a trucker. Scenario #6: You have no clue about what your passion is anyway so you don’t know what other nursing (or non nursing for that matter) job would be best for you. To let you know, just because you are hating nursing school right now doesn’t mean you won’t make it … There’s really no system, and it’s time to develop one. I’ll figure out what else I can do for the industry without being directly involved in the very things that drove me out. Solution: Figure out what you enjoy. i hate nursing. I am just wondering if any of you have done or considered the outpatient setting? Again, we’ve been getting around that with the … We are making sacrifices for you. And from that moment, my life was dictated into the world of nursing. And then we have a really rewarding moment with a patient that reminds us why. Nov 10th '12. Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health. Curious- OP- is your hospital a Magnet hospital? Reply. With a BSN and three years of experience there's got to be something else you can do. I think that HouTx hit the nail on the head with management. I hate nursing school ~~~Gone~~~ 2 kids; Middle of Nowhere, PA, United States 6391 posts . 5 years, 7 months ago. Laura T. Home State: NH Considering A Career Posts: 1. The smells from Green are NOTORIOUS. I want to. Like other posters said though, maybe it's the managers/facility that make things suck. I know it'd be a shame to let go of my pin when I worked so hard for it but honestly I hate it so much even the thought of my registration makes me stressed so I'd rather just let go of it altogether. I am a 51-year-old female from N.H. 7. :) I do phase I clinical drug trials. Resilience, or bouncing back, if not done in a healthy way, has the potential to turn into disdain or, worse, apathy. Screw your judgments if you have. Former Gov. You hate dealing with jerks Patience is a virtue and nurses learn it the hard way. Comments are moderated before they are published. Too bad! Leaving the nursing profession is bittersweet. I don't want home health nursing. worked for years and thought i need to do something more fufilling. First, identify the exact cause of your unhappiness. However, there is a difference between a genuine need versus a 5-star concierge request. Please make a sacrifice for us. Why I hate nursing. But it’s necessary to cope with the tragedy, pain, sorrow, and trauma — the effects of which seem to get ignored because it’s just part of the job. Toughness manifested as strong, confident, fearless and, sadly, sometimes aggressive. Breastfeeding consumed me. Excuses, pride, and ego got in my way. flanyewest. I just wrote the best essay about why I don't want to be a nurse. This field has many different positions and I am sure there is something out there for you that will allow you to feel fulfilled. Was in medical last night. I don't want to give everything I've got only to see no return in work satisfaction. I Hate Nursing School Posts. Inpatient emergency, oncology, and critical care nurses have been studied and are found to be at high risk for compassion fatigue and nurse burnout (Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2016).Interestingly, the literature review also found that high rates of compassion fatigue and burnout are often coupled with high levels … I wish I could say my heart is completely changed and I find joy in visiting and being an encouragement, but that is not the case. 24/7, it was pretty much all I thought about, all I planned for and all I did. Adriana says: 14 February, 2015 at 12:30 pm. Get free updates delivered free to your inbox. Little did I know that my journey to nursing school was going to change my career AND my life forever. Too bad! “My patients will hate me! It's consuming my life I don't have enough time to study I don't have enough time with my kids. Terms of Use | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | DMCA Policy | All Content © KevinMD, LLC, ✓ Join 150,000+ subscribers ✓ Get KevinMD's most popular stories. August 19,2011-Nurse Retention. With world-class production and customer support, your satisfaction is guaranteed. Nursing isn't for the faint of heart. I'm a nurse, I've not been a nurse for a year yet and I really enjoyed the job at the start but recently I've started hating it. I still remember finishing nursing school in 2006, holding my hand up to recite the Nightingale Pledge, and devoting myself to faithfully serving those in my care and upholding high nursing standards. You have a bachelors degree invested in nursing and I am sure a crap load of student loans, don't get too discouraged you went into nursing for a reason. You could try telephonic case manager work eg United Health Care, but I have heard that EVERYBODY is trying to be a case manager now since nursing really sux. Nursing. Friday, August 19, 2011. Reply. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. I had a midlife crisis at 45 and decided to go to nursing school. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Featured February 28, 2020 Nursing School is Hard. I am a med/surg nurse with a BSN. Now, before you think I’m just a spiteful and grizzled nurse who revels in others misery, let me tell you that I wanted to put my hand on her shoulder and tell … Most of the nursing jobs you listed are traditional nursing jobs. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. To let you know, just because you are hating nursing school right now doesn’t mean you won’t make it … I don't feel like I make a difference. Identify why you hate nursing school. The mask looked like resilience. #new grad rn #new grad nurse #i hate nursing #dejected. And we get compensated very well for the relatively little education we have. Nursing isn't for the faint of heart. Unfortunately, ego is a crutch to help us limp through some shifts. The truth is, you most likely don’t HATE being a nurse. But the truth is, sometimes nursing sucks too. Worse, the doctors will hate me!” And as I walked behind them sipping my coffee, I smiled. 1. Every job was the same. The jokes about Green and long and distinguished. 5 Things Nurses Hate! Ok, I should have entitled this post "Why I Hate Nursing Homes, with a Side of Dr B's Top 10" but it wouldn't quite fit. Did Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19 Unleash Viral Mutation? And we wOnder why we need a whole dept for pt safety. I was tough for many years. Nursing is Tough Work Nursing is one of the most difficult professions. Founded in 2004 by Kevin Pho, MD, is the web’s leading platform where physicians, advanced practitioners, nurses, medical students, and patients share their insight and tell their stories. I hate nursing. As time would tell, I became numb, even cold. It seems the hours are better and you might not feel as much like a servant. I have worked in clinics, in neuro medicine, in OB, in home health, in nursing homes, in hospitals, in school nursing, and in management. My heart left nursing a while ago when I came to the realization that nursing left me first. Nursing was never a dream for me, it never came across my mind that one day I will become a nurse, frankly speaking I hated nursing. There’s something much deeper that we’re ignoring — the fact that sometimes we become too resilient. The other nurses and I constantly revel in the fact that we have it made compared to bedside or acute care nursing. Three weeks, two medical centers and one rehab center later, I can unequivocally say I love my husband but am sick of caregiving. 14,266 hits; Archives Interesting- I had come to this conclusion last night while pondering what the OP is pondering. But i had never have any negative thought about all of this. Has 8 years experience. Thank you. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. I'm a nursing school hopeful and after reading this thread, I'm not as excited at the prospect of nursing! We aren’t heroes. I really value nurse's honest opinions. Emergency Medicine, Are you struggling with the academics, the schedule, the stress, the clinical rotations, your peers, or your professors? Very technical with poor training given to the new grads. Why would health care corporations want to put resources into helping nurses with these issues when being numb and cold is probably what helps them tolerate going back to work? I work 45~ hours a week, I'm 25 and I already have a bad back, bad knees, and I'm developing a mild form of PTSD from this job. Identifying the reasons for why you hate nursing school will guide you in taking steps to make your experience better. 10+ Year Member. Thirteen hours of this superpower, day in and day out, becomes exhausting. My eyes are wide open regarding the bureaucratic role in health care, governmental regulations, unbalanced priorities that do not focus on humanity, and misdirection in incentivizing health care workers. Inpatient emergency, oncology, and critical care nurses have been studied and are found to be at high risk for compassion fatigue and nurse burnout (Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2016). My heart left nursing a while ago when I came to the realization that nursing left me first. Beyond that, we withstand verbal and physical abuse. If you’ve found yourself muttering the phrase “I hate nursing” under your breath lately, get ready to change your mindset. There’s work to be done. And beyond the dreams of escaping our large house to go away to college, I was stopped dead in my tracts. Reasons I hate nurses (in no particular order). And then, all of a sudden, you hate it. If I hadn’t been so stoic, I would have been viewed as weak. Find great designs on baseball hats and trucker hats. 5. … Research Nursing is great. And now whatever I’ve been facing in this particular nursing study, I’ve to accept and face it with all my might. I think nursing is the only profession where you can be with someone during the best of times and the worst of times. Lack of appreciation mized with how much more work can they give us. on Pinterest. We allow things (all things) to bounce off of us so easily so that we become impenetrable. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. The US has stopped processing new nursing applications coinciding with the 2008 economic crisis.) Unless this is a troll >.< But in any case, the above post stands as there are people I know IRL who like medicine but hate patient contact and I'm sure there might be similar people around. I had to feed my son every two hours, each feeding took an hour, and by the time I was done, it was already almost time to feed him again. Nursing did all that for me. I hate it. Don't like blood? I've done recovery and anaesthetics, theatres, cosmetic nursing and mental health A&E. How to Secure an Alternative Nursing Career. I hate nursing. She loves it. Laura T. Home State: NH Considering A Career Posts: 1. | Not magnet yet, but they are trying to be. I hate nursing. How scary is that fir the nurse and the Patient. I didn’t realize that PTS was even happening to me until it was too late. And sometimes it sucks and is hard and we wonder why we do it. Not me. I am just an LPN but I do work on a med/surg floor at a hospital for a year and a half now and I feel your pain. Family at the bedside dictating what they I am their personal servant. Mommie dearest said I would not go away to college, I would go to a local college and become a nurse. I came to the conclusion that it is not the jobs, it’s the career choice. wants to be a hard a-- , and I think is willing to step on all of us to make themselves look good to the ceo- hence all the things that OP is talking about. A co worker of mine was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, and got a job down in pre- op. - Do you hate nursing school? I wish I never would've started! I have hated all of my jobs. Discover I Hate Nursing Kaos, a custom product made just for you by Teespring. 5. I don't want to be a case manager. nursing was my 2nd career. I felt like this for years. I don’t hate nursing. In my facility, Ob nurses are pulled to med surg and ED. I wouldn’t have been a good ER nurse. I Hate Nursing School Posts. sounds great , but how would one pursue this with out an IT background,more school? Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. This is the HARDEST video I have made BUT I finally found the courage to do it and share. Yes, as an underling you have to do grunt work. It was an intensely stressful job with significant responsibilities, and I took those responsibilities very seriously. I was precepting a new nurse last night and we had a post cardiac arrest on hypothermia protocol. Oh do I know how you feel. Go back to school for some sort of IT degree then (although IT degrees are the same dime a dozen as nursing degrees these days). But the truth is, sometimes nursing sucks too. Scenario #6: You have no clue about what your passion is anyway so you don’t know what other nursing (or non nursing for that matter) job would be best for you. More often than not, nursing rocks! ... Now visiting a nursing home is not just a couple times year event but a daily occurrence. And yet, I feel so strongly that I need to. An ER nurse needs a thick skin, wit, intuition, strength, stamina, sharp discernment skills, nerves of steel, assertiveness, comfort with living in the gray, aptitude to predict the unpredictable, quick thinking, strong medical acumen, appetite for adrenaline rushes and resourcefulness to work through gripping realities of death. Any suggestions? Tagged as: In professional nursing, the demands are constant as you work very hard to deliver optimum patient care. 14. Don't like blood? Thanks for any insight! Oh do I know how you feel. I would say on a daily basis because nurses eat their young!! Its fairly common to hear it referred to as 'Walking the Green Mile'. Joined Us: 5 years, 7 months ago. Hospital-Based Medicine, I really want to be outside of the hospital. I don't mind school, but I will need a job after graduation. And beyond the dreams of escaping our large house to go away to college, I was stopped dead in my tracts. Nobody really tells you how hard nursing school is. I was precepting a new nurse last night and we had a post cardiac arrest on hypothermia protocol. New CAR-T for Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma Wins FDA Nod, COVID-19 Risk Not Equal for All Critical Care Staff, Sepsis in Children Better Controlled with Care Bundles, Burnout Among ICU Docs Skyrocketed During COVID-19, Telemedicine in ICU Saves Lives, Study Finds, Novel CAR T-Cell Therapy Promising in Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Dexmedetomidine Ties Propofol for Intubated Adults With Sepsis. im in my 2nd first year of nursing and im hating every minute of it. Aug 23, 2019 - Explore Chantel Nicole's board "I Hate Nursing School!!!" (see #3). I have no IT experience. I broke down in tears when I described to my husband how it feels to leave something that’s been such a big part of my life and my identity for so long. Oh, and also some of the pharm companies do hire RNs still in telephone roles, but there is usually a catch - the pharm company itself probably won't hire you at all, it must go through a temp agency they are contracted with so you have no ties with the co. (they don't want to give you any benefit of working for them, so you will never be an employee) You get like 5 month contracts and are paid through the temp agency. A lot more. Just a little rant to blow off some steam. Hi. Well that's the maximum hours of work we can accommodate for each shift. White or transparent. Maybe go part time until you can find something else. Just wondering what your thoughts are on that. Dharma. You hate the emotional toxicity that comes along with working in these high stressed environments. Has 35 years experience. I would be quite content to work on a computer and have email interactions. Nights, weekends, and holiday. A lot more. I didn’t really hate nursing, but what nursing had become. I left working as a chemist to work in the healthcare industry as a nurse. A good manager makes all the difference. Overall, a really difficult and busy patient I was running all night long trying to salvage some life and teach this new nurse every step along the way.
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