Reformed ideas such as predestination have struck home among noble and commoner alike and Reformed schools and colleges have begun to crop up in many of our provinces. The Nádasdy family is not one of our oldest or most influential noble families but has no lack for ambition. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.29. I have your answer. Every province of the country marked as ‘military frontier’: If the province marked as ‘military frontier’ is Catholic or Muslim then: (If the Protestant or Reformed religion is not enabled yet then the province becomes Orthodox.). The Black Army mercenary company becomes available to hire.The Black Army can be abolished at any time if §Y[Root.GetName]§! then strengthen Monarchists in power by 100%. Type the name of an event or an event key into the text box below to instantly search our database 1,590 events. Therefore, I am making my guide to help anyone out who is struggling or wants to give Austria a try. Austria owns at least 1 province in Italy (region): Enabled if: Hungary gets the modifier “Powerful Magnates” until its ruler changes with the following effects: The Nobility estate loses 25 loyalty. Serparatists (size 1) friendly to Hungary rise up in revolt in another random province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia. If the country has the clergy estate, then it loses 10 loyalty. ↑ The country does not have a religion of the following groups: Muslim, Eastern, Dharmic, Pagan, Jewish or Zoroastrian. The country: If the Papal State is exists, then the country and the Papal State: If the country has the clergy estate, then it gains 10 loyalty. The Reformed religion is enabled. Separatists (size 3) led by “István Bocskay” friendly to Hungary rise up in revolt in a Protestant province of Austria in Carpathia, but not in Wallachia or Moldavia. Mark 3 random provinces of the country that: All provinces marked as ‘start province’ or ‘secondary province’: Reformed zealots (size 1) rise up in revolt in the provine marked as ‘start province’. The recently appointed Ban of Croatia, Tamás Erdödy, has proven to be an unusually talented servant of the crown and an able general. ↑ These events can be found in /Europa Universalis IV/events/Dynastic.txt. Get a new female ruler Maria Theresia of von Habsburg dynasty with: If the country uses ‘Statists vs Monarchists’ mechanics: Enabled if: Mark 3 different provinces of the country in the Balkans as ‘military frontier’. Tamás Szalaházy, the bishop of Erlau, has moved to limit Protestant influence and imprison this would-be Luther of Hungary. They might have Bosnia or Serbia as allies. EU4 patch 1.09 RYUKYU one tag AAR: The Three mountains! owns Pest (153), Békés (155) and Somogy (1864). Now it seems that when the regency ends, Hungary gets a ruler with an heir, always, and the only way to get the PU is through Austria's mission's CB. Every province of Austria in Transdanubia, Northern Transylvania, Southern Transylvania, Alföld or Slovakia: Noble rebels (size 3) rise up in revolt in a random province of Austria in Transdanubia, Northern Transylvania, Southern Transylvania, Alföld or Slovakia with a development of at least 10. They are, however, proving more of a problem for foreign armies in many ways. This article has been verified for the current version (1.30) of the game. In the first diet the nobles supporting the Voivode of Transylvania elected him as the new king of Hungary but the Austrian party now claims the diet was unfair and wishes to hold a new one. The Emperor expansion is enabled. All provinces of the country with Transylvanian culture except Maros (158) and Királyföld (4128): All provinces of the country with Romanian culture: Separatists (size 2) with “Horea” as leader rise up in revolt in a random province of the country with Romanian culture. Hungary's current ruler dies. is at Peace.The Black Army will be dissolved at the latest in the Age of Absolutism. With the hesitant acceptance of the second Helvetic Confession, the [Root.GetAdjective] Reformed churches have also begun to unite with the other Reformed churches of our time.The Catholic clergy, however, have always been strong supporters of royal power and look at these developments with distrust. With the fall of Budapest to Ottoman forces the Hungarian estates have convened to decide who will be able to protect them going forward. The AI will never choose this if they're allied, the overlord or subject of Bohemia. Get a new female ruler Ilona of Zrinyi dynasty with: If the country uses ‘Statists vs Monarchists’ mechanics: Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. Update: EU4's Emperor expansion is out now. In the wake of wars and conflicts an increasing number of people have turned to banditry and guerrilla warfare. Hungary has ‘Ladislaus Postumus’ as a ruler and has an heir. The historical friendship between Austria and Hungary ends. Enabled if: prioritized by at least 6 and 10 development: If Hungary has the nobility estate then it gains 10 loyalty. Added Italian Wars dynamic historical event, beginning when a major power is at war with an Italian nation. It is at least 1560 but before 1570. The ottomans should have already curb stomped the byzantines and be preparing to seize Albania. uses ‘Statists vs Monarchists’ mechanics: gets access to the discounted Protestant Hungarian, gets access to the discounted Catholic Hungarian. Austria has a ruler of the “von Habsburg” dynasty: ×0.75. Pretender (size 2) rise up in revolt under ‘Ferenc II Rákóczy’ in a random province of the capital area of Hungary. If Hungary uses ‘Statists vs Monarchists’ mechanics: Every country with ‘von Habsburg’ dynasty: The AI has a 50% chance of choosing this. Do we want to give the Reformed church space to grow or should we attempt to root it out before it is too late? Inspired by the growing pan-Slavic movement Slovak intellectuals and adherents to the Enlightenment have begun to talk of the possibility of a Slovak nation and some have begun to write down and organize a Slovak literary language. Hungary is not a subject. Otherwise they'll choose it in 90% of the cases. The many and rich mines of Upper Hungary are in many ways vital to our economic interests and have therefore often been afforded much greater liberties than we tolerate for other settlements in our country. If Hungary has a personal union over Croatia: The AI has a 25% chance of choosing this. He has in short time made a career out of balancing the many demands of the Hungarian estates, strengthening the economy while also tending to the defence of our country and the search for viable allies against our many enemies. The result is that what remains of our country is now divided with half of our nobles looking to Austria for protection and the other half pursuing an independent policy based around our lands in Transylvania. This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 13:30. the Bohemian event Confederacy of Zelena Hora - option “We will crush them!”. eu4 poland pu. If Austria has not enacted one of the highest tier government reforms. If their heir is at least a 5/5/5 they have a 10% chance of them choosing this instead of Let us not forget about [Root.Heir.GetName]?. This shouldn’t be a very tough war. The result is that what remains of Hungary is now divided with half of the nobles pursuing an independent policy based around the lands of Transylvania and the other half turning to us. It is at least 1450 but before 1470. The Empire can be greatly strengthened by preventing the Shadow Kingdom event, which causes all of the Italy region to leave the Empire.Preventing the Shadow Kingdom event requires adding eight more provinces to the HRE: Venice's Treviso, Friuli, and Verona, Urbino's Urbino, and The Papal State's Ancona, Romagna, Umbria, and Roma. Venetian War Having completed his education and grand tour abroad the young Támas Nádasdy shows promise both as a statesman, a diplomat and a general. Hungary's current ruler dies. In the first diet the nobles supporting the Voivode of Transylvania elected him as the new king of Hungary but many others have formed an Austrian party and held their own diet to elect the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] to be the future King of Hungary. Rival them and declare war on the same day. If Hungary has the nobility estate then it gains 15 loyalty. Austria gets the modifier “Reform of the Bureaucracy” for 20 years, giving the following effects: Separatists (size 1) rise up in revolt in 5 different random provinces of Austria that: Graz (1863) becomes a core province of Styria. If all these provinces are in the HRE from 1490 to 1550, the event cannot fire. Hungary PU. It is at least 1530 but before 1540. Now you need a very specific heir on the Hungarian throne for the event to fire in your favour. Austria does not own a province in Italy (region): Pest (153), Békés (155) and Somogy (1864): Austria gets the modifier “Centralization of Austria” until the ruler changes, giving the following effect: Every country with the modifier “East India Trade Company” or “Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie”: Every country with the modifier “East India Trade Company” or “Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagni”: Austria gets the governmental reform Imperial Austrian Monarchy.
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eu4 austria hungary pu event 2021